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Online education is electronically supported learning methodology that based on the Internet to teach and learn outside of traditional classrooms and away from college campuses. It is a virtual training environments with much more flexibility than a traditional classroom. The Learning Management System(LMS) currently used in the University is an ERP that has been customized for this institution by on expert team. It is a one login, seamless program that covers Analytics, Finance, Non-Academic functions and Academic functions. It allows Governance, Management and aids Regulatory Compliance. Academics module takes care of all that is central to learning and teaching. It allows for sharing schedules, sharing materials in text, image, ppt or video formats, attendance, results, discussion forums, handle notifications, conduct quizzes, etc. Teaching module aids in efficiently managing duties including academic calendar, planning, scheduling, course files, mentoring, time table, projects and many more. The main purpose of Learning Management Systems is to enhance the learning process in fact this become very much useful in this COVID-19 period. A Learning Management System not only delivers content, but also handles registering courses, course administration, skill gap analysis, tracking, and reporting. Enhance the quality of learning and teaching. Meet the learning style or needs of students. Improve the efficiency and effectiveness. Improve user-accessibility and time flexibility to engage learners in the learning process. Everyone learns differently, so a good LMS should adapt to the user. You need a system that has custom accessibility, flexible display settings and multiple evidencing methods to suit a wide range of courses and learning styles. Look out for an LMS that can be used for training, learning and assessment together. Learning management systems (LMS) help you deliver training materials and organize skills development within your organization.

Salient Features of LMS:-
  • LMS integrations.
  • Data tracking.
  • Personalized user experience.
  • Offline learning trackers.
  • Automated alerts and notifications.
  • Centralized learning materials.
  • Flexible reporting and analytics.
  • Remote or mobile-workforce ready.
  • Constitution of the Committee:

    S.No Name Designation
    1 Dr. Arvind Tiwari
    Nodal Officer
    2 Dr. Sourabhi Dutta
    3 Dr. Deepanshu Agarwal
    4 Dr. Amit Chaudhary
    5 Dr. Ritu Chikkara
    6 Dr. Vishal Vashista
    7 Mr. Rajeev Kumar
    8 Mr. Zeeshan

    Objectives of Online Education Cell and LMS Cell:-
    (Provided by UPHED Letter no142/sattar-3-2021-08(35)2020)

  • Working according to UP ONLINE Education Policy.
  • To develop the LMS of the institute and its execution.
  • Digitalization of the official tasks.
  • To make available of the pre-loaded tabs in university library.
  • To establish e-learning parks.
  • 24*7 availability of internet for students.
  • To fix rates of E-facilities.
  • To help the students in credits transfer.

  • Feed back form
  • Click on this Feed Back Form
  • Complaint form
  • Click on this Complaint Form