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Thailand Statistician (SCI/ESCI-Q2 Series) –Modeling & Forecasting of Russian Federation Cheese Production & Total Cheese Used. (Oct’2024)


JAPS (Journal of Animal and Plant Science) - (SCI/ESCI-Q2 Series) - Genetic variability and Mechanization Potential of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Genotypes Evaluated under Gangetic Plains.


3 Papers Submitted (1 is in Frontier Journal and 2 is in JAPS Journal (SCI/Web of Science-Q2 Series).

  • a.Climate change Vulnerability – A Bibliometric Analysis - (Frontier Journal)
  • b.Method to identified and treating Methyl Hg contaminated water and soil of Hindon river using IoT , Earthworm(as Bioindicator) & Flyash, Biomass and Algae (as adsorbent) - (JAPS Journal)
  • c. Method for extracting Galactomannan from Medicinal Plant Leucaena leucocephala - (JAPS Journal)

    1. Javed M. (2017) “Current Status Of Anthracnose (Fruit-Rot And Die-Back) Disease In Five Blocks Of Chilli Growing Areas Of Ghaziabad District (U.P.)” India.Bulletin of Pure And Applied Sciences.36(B) Botany -2:84-89.
    2. Javed M. (2017) “In vitro bacterial production by the Isolates from Mother dairy effluent Pilkhua (Hapur) UP” .International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research , Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-1-6 ISSN No.-2456-1967.
    3. Himanshu Kumari, R.B. Singh , “Analysis of topological spaces of the set of graphs, International Journal of Engineering Research and Management Technology , 4(4), 118, 2017.
    4. R.B. Singh “Hydromagnetic instability of visco-elastic walter’s (Model B’) rotating fluid in porous medium” International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research , Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-180-199 ISSN No.-2456-1967.
    5. Himanshu Kumari, R.B. Singh , “A few generalized of topological spaces of the sets of graphs, International Journal of Education and Science Research Review, 4(4), 46, 2017.
    6. Mansi Aggarwal, R.B. Singh , “Deepankar Sharma,” Estimation of availability and cost for complex system working in different climates, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences , 36E (2), 1-9, 2017.
    7. Mansi Aggarwal, R.B. Singh , “ Deepankar Sharma, Stochastic behavior of a specific gas separator for reliability measures by introducing algebra of logics, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences , 7(9), 10-26, 2017.
    8. Kamal Kumar , “Modeling of an inventory model with time and stock dependent demand and deterioration, International Transactions in Mathematical Sciences and Computer , 8, 83-94, In press.
    9. Kamal Kumar , “Two storage inventory model for deteriorating items with variable demand, Advances in Operations Research and Mathematical Sciences , 7, 237-250, In press.
    10. Nikhil Kumar , “Essential oil composition of Alpinia allughas and its antimicrobial activity.Int. J. Pharm Bio Sci 2017 Jan ; 8(1): (P) 143 - 147 (Impact Paper- 5.121) 2017.
    11. Sourbhi Dutta “ Determination of physio chemical analysis and fatty acid composition of some plant seeds oil”. International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research , Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-176-179 ISSN No.-2456-1967.
    12. Prince Raj “Polyunsaturated fatty acids and their potential mechanism in prevention and treatment of cancer” International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research , Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-294- 301 ISSN No.-2456-1967.
    13. Sonu Prakash and Anjali Tyagi, Opression of Subalterns: Mahesh Dattani’s “Seven Steps Around the Fire”. Published in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol-2, Issue-2, June -2017, ISSN No. 2456-1967.
    14. Jyoti (2017). Selection of E-Resources for Academic Libraries. National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2 (3), 56-59.
    15. Jyoti (2017). Organization of Library. An International, Peer reviewed, Quarterly Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies
    16. Haruni Ramamadhan Kondo & Dewashish Verma “A Brief overview of Media Perception of the Military and their Antagonistic Relationship” International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communication(IJMJMC) Volume 3 ,Issue 1,2017,PP 36-39.
    17. Haruni Ramamadhan Kondo & Dewashish Verma “An analysis and study of issues of military and media relationships during the armed conflict in reference of Tanzania/Uganda war” International Journal of Research in social Sciences Vol. 7 Issue 6,June 2017.
    18. Vinay Panwar Channa punctatus following exposure to 2, 4-Dinitrophenol”. International journal of multi-disciplinary research , Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-25-32 ISSN No.-2456-1967.
    19. Soma Das, ‘Swami Vivekanand ke Chintan Me Manavtavad Ki Avdharna International Journal of multidisciplinary Educational Research , ISSN No.- 2277-7881, Vol.- 6, Issue- 4(8), April, 2017, Impact factor- 4.527, page no.- 175-181.
    20. Soma Das “Concept of freedom, harmony and peace in the philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore. International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research, Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-241- 246. ISSN No.-2456-1967.
    21. Soma Das , Concept of Freedom, Harmony and Peace in the Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore" International Journal of multidisciplinary Research, ISSN No.- 2456-1967, Issue- 2, Vol.- 2, June,
    22. Soma Das , ‘‘History of Bengali Culture at a Glance’, IJHEPS, ISSN No.- 2249-2569, Impact factor- 5.998, July, 2018 (in process).
    23. Sangeeta Dayal and Alka Noopur, “Cytogenotoxic effects of Ferula asafeotida as Homoeopathic drug in Vicia faba” in Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. June 2018. Vol. 15(2), p. 431-437.
    24. Sangeeta Dayal and Harshal kumar, “Assessment of genotoxic effects of Nux vomica as homoeopathic drugs on mitotic chromosomes of Vicia faba”,. Published in Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, December 2017. vol. 14(4), p. 1497-1502.
    25. Snober Bashir Dar, Sangeeta Dayal,“Allelopathic effects of Vanilla essence on seed germination & root length Hordeum vulgare (Barley) Seed.”, Published in International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences.IJACS /20175/8-5/798-801 IJACS Journal London.
    26. Sangeeta Dayal and Snober Bashir Dar, “Allelopathic effects of sandalwood extract on seed germination & growth of Triticum aestivum (Wheat) Seed. Published in International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences. IJACS/20175/8-5/798-801 IJACS Journal London
    27. Kumar Harshal1, Radhamani J.1, Sarbhoy R.K.2, Dayal Sangeeta2 , Asthana Monika2, Chauhan Ravendra Singh2, “Assessment of Passport Data and Removal of Duplicates in different accessions Jatropha curcas seeds assembled from different Agro-Climatic Zones of India”. Published in Indian Journal of Scientific Research 2017,8(1) 189-193.
    28. Snober Bashir, Sangeeta Dayal, “Allelopathic effects of Orchid mascula extract on seed germination & growth of Triticum aestivum (Wheat) seeds” Proceedings of ASAR International Conference, 24th September, 2017, New Delhi, India.
    29. Snober Bashir Dar, Sangeeta Dayal “Analysis of DNA damages caused by Santalum album extract in Hordeum vulgare using DNA genomic pattern.”, Published in International Research Journal of advanced Engineering & Science (IRJAES). 2017. 5(4) 2321 –9009.
    30. Harshal Kumar1,J.Radhamani1,R.K.Sarbhoy2,SangeetaDayal,Monika Asthana3, Ravendra Chauhan2 And Akansha Sarbhoy “Meticulous analysis of sinker and floater seeds in different accessions of freshly harvested Jatropha curcas seeds assembled from fifteen states of India representing variable climatic condition & their relation with seed viability. Journal of Basic and Applied Agriculture Research Volume 16 [1], January-April 2018.
    31. Pawan Kumar * and Sangeeta Dayal, Molecular Docking and In-Silico Evaluation of Herbal Bioactive Compounds against Colorectal Cancer, International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research, Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-7-16, ISSN No.-2456-1967.
    32. Mahesh Kumar “A survey of energy efficient routing protocol leach” International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research, Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-100-105, ISSN No.-2456-1967.
    33. Deepak Sharma “A critical review on Artificial Neural Network (ANN)” International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research”, Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-122-126, ISSN No.-2456-1967.
    34. Gul Mohammed, Shailesh Kumar ‘A comprehensive Survey of Optical Fiber Sensor: Review and Applications’ International Journal Of Innovative Research In Technology, © July 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 5 Issue 2 | ISSN: 2349-6002.
    35. Aditya Kumar Sharma,Shailesh Kumar ‘A Complete Survey on Solar Tree Requirement for World Energy Needs’ International Journal for Scientific Research & Development IJSRD | Vol. 6, Issue 05, 2018 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613.
    36. Sachin Chaudhary,Shailesh Kumar ‘Wireless Communication Improvement using Lasers: A Comprehensive study on Laser Communicator ‘International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET).Volume: 05 Issue: 07 | July-2018. Impact Factor value: 7.211.
    37. Puspendra Rawal, Shailesh Kumar ‘Improving The Efficiency Of Solar Photovoltaic In Generation’ International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET). Volume: 05 Issue: 07 | July-2018. Impact Factor value: 7.21.
    38. Rajbeer Singh and Shailesh Kumar Singh “An assessment of parabolodial reflector antennas in context of field polarization. International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research, Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-149-164 ISSN No.-2456-1967.
    39. Shailesh Kumar Singh and Rajbeer Singh “Off-Axis field amplitude variation for plane and parabolodial zone plate.” Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-165-174. ISSN No.-2456-1967.
    40. Sanjay Kumar, Shailesh Kumar Latest Advancement in Ultra-Fast Optical Communication’ IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development | Vol. 6, Issue 05, 2018 | ISSN (online): 2321-061.
    41. Mohit Kumar, Shailesh Kumar ‘Free Space Optics Communication For Army Platforms ‘Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR). © 2018 JETIR June 2018, Volume 5, Issue 6.
    42. Vikas Kumar Tyagi “An overview and literature review of corrosion and its prevention in the field of biomaterial implantation. International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research”, Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-145-148 ISSN No.-2456-1967.
    43. A.H. Khan,“A Comparative study on Performance of SBI and HDFC Mutual Funds (SBI Magnum 200 & HHDFC Equity Fund) January 2013 to October 2016”. International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research, Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-47-53, ISSN No.-2456.
    44. Ramaneek Kaur & Prashant K. Aryan “An analytical study based on a virus disease infecting Datura stromanium” International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, ISSN No: 2456 -6470 Volume-2 issue-1g.
    45. Mradula Anand & Prashant K. Aryan “A Study of Paddy Crop Grown in Polluted Irrigated Water” International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, Volume 1(4), ISSN: 2456-6470
    46. Kuldeep Sharma “Simulation Study and analysis of OFDM as a possible modulation technique for modern wireless applications and systems in the range of MM waves”, International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research, Vol-2, Issue-2, June-2017, pp-75-87, ISSN No.-2456-1967.
    47. Ramashry Chauhan & Satyveer Singh, ‘‘Mahatama Gandhi ki Basic Shiksha Yogna evam Arthik Swalambhan". Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemprary Research, Vol. 3, No. 6, Dec 2016-Jan 2017, ISBN:23938358, Page 93-96.